Pentti Enlund

Pentti Enlund (Value Engineer) is a specialist in the area of product cost management (Value Engineering & Value Analysis). When the straightforward means of reducing costs and increasing value run out, Pent's work begins. He has a long experience in planning and purchasing, and he is one of the few in Finland who has genuine experiential expertise in Target Costing, Value Engineering and Kaizen Costing concepts, especially in the supplier-customer interface.
Product planning – Productisation of technology - Strategic procurement – Integration of suppliers into product development projects – Quality management – Development of manufacturing processes
Examples of knowledge capital:
- The original Toyota Lean concept, TPS. (tools for the automotive industry to develop quality, cost and delivery capability)
- Deep knowledge of the Target Costing concept
- Value Engineering/Value Analysis in-depth expertise, reducing the costs of system and sub-components by means of design (product development phase)
- Deep knowledge of Kaizen Costing (within the company and in the supply network)
- Design experience from design to documentation and frontline support - system design - machine systems - cockpits
- Hydraulics and pneumatics category manager of the global procurement operation, which included the €100M purchase volume and the development of the supplier network, as well as the development of domestic/international relations even in challenging negotiation situations
- Pioneer of the 5S concept in Finland (one of the authors and testers of the MET publication (now TT) 5S)
- Concrete development of manufacturing processes at a practical level on the production line
- Accustomed to detect and, if necessary, calculate costs
- Several international patents
- A long list of publications on cost management, Kaizen and new production concepts
- Extensive cooperation with the world's leading companies in their field, such as Toyota, Bridgestone, Komatsu and Bosch Rexroth.
- Several appearances as a speaker at conferences, seminars, companies and universities.
- Second place in Sandvik's international innovation competition 2020.