"It's a great thing to have a long industrial history. The people at Mexlink have an understanding of how, for example, international expertise is found. You might not necessarily know how to search for it if you haven't done it yourself – even if you have a good understanding of the subject matter."
Product Information
Technology Development in Business and Research Networks
- Needs Assessment
- Examination of Technology Readiness Level
- Alignment of New Initiatives with Technology Strategy or Updating the Technology Strategy
- Organization of Research and Testing Networks
- Possible External Funding Support (especially in constructing the content for applications and reporting)
- Support for Network Management for Companies
- Progression through TRL Levels from Research to Product Maturity
Addressing the Specific Needs of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
- Possible Next Steps for SMEs (Large Companies Have Established Productization Processes)
- Identification and Prioritization of Customer Characteristics
- Productization Planning and Organization of Product Management
- Building Profitability for a Product or Related Service
- Option 1: The Power of Design in the Development Process and as a Premium on Market Prices
- Option 2: Means of Protecting Technology at the Scale of an SME