Plan your future using the Backcasting method, where you can envision alternative paths to the future. In the Backcasting method, you start from the future to construct a path to the present.
BackCaster tools represent the power of thinking and are also suitable for cost analysis, brainstorming, and many other purposes. With BackCaster's visual interface, you harness the power of ideas in a format suitable for the human mind. Many development processes require a view of permanence and a return to problem-solving.
BackCaster is a visual tool that helps organize thoughts, plan the future, and bridge the gap between the future state and the present. It is a creativity and planning tool for both individuals and groups.
Deliveries are mainly made to order, which are completed within 2-3 business days, and the final delivery time depends on the delivery address. Also, check out our range of Caster boards, which are an essential part of the delivery.
Example of using the Backcasting method: